Latest News from Trinity

30th Year Anniversary

30th Year Anniversary

15th January 2020 saw Trinity International Services celebrate its 30th Anniversary year. The achievements of the organisation is the result of the combined effort of staff, clients, suppliers and advisors working together over the 30 years.

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ARI Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Forresterhill Complex Industry
ACBE Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment Industry
AHU Air Handling Unit Industry
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange General
ACOP Approved Code of Practice Industry
AVL Approved Vendors List Industry
ACAS Arbitration Conciliation Advisory Service Industry
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practical Industry
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation General
ALE Asset Ageing and Life Extension Industry
ALCS Asset Life Cycle Solutions Industry
AD Assistant Driller Industry
BRINDEX Association of British Independent Oil Exploration Companies Industry
ABOI Association of British Offshore Industries Industry
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations General
AWHEM Association of Wellhead Equipment Manufacturers Industry
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line General
AOG Australasia Oil & Gas Industry
AEOI Automatic Exchange of Information General
BOE/BOEPD Barrel of Oil Equivalent / Per Day Industry
B/D Barrels of Oil Produced per Day Industry
BPD Barrels Per Day Industry
BOSIET Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training Industry
bcf Billion cubic feet (equiv. 0.83 million tonnes of oil) Industry
BPS Bits Per Second Industry
BOP Blow-out Preventer Industry
BROA British Rig Owners’ Association’ Industry
BTI British Trade International Industry
BOT Build Operate Transfer Industry
BOO Build Own Operate Industry
BOOT Build Own Operate Transfer Industry
BAR Builders’ All Risk’ Industry
BBS Bulletin Board System General
BSC Business Support Co-ordinator General
BUL Business Unit Leader Industry
BTW By The Way General
CATP Caffeine Access Transport Protocol General
CAPEX Capital Expenditure Industry
CGT Capital Gains Tax General
COGS Careers in the Oil and Gas Sector Association Industry
COTA Caterers’ Offshore Trade Association’ Industry
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Industry
CCR Central Control Room General
CER Central Equipment Room Industry
CLASP Central Logistics Association for Supply Chain Partnerships Network Industry
CNS Central North Sea Industry
CVC Central Vacuum Cleaning System (wet type) Industry
CEPMLP Centre for Energy, Petroleum, and Mineral Law and Policy Industry
CMPT Centre for Marine & Petroleum Technology Industry
CEO Chief Executive Officer Industry
CFO Chief Financial Officer General
CNOOC China National Offshore Oil Corporation Industry
CPECC China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation Industry
CAA Civil Aviation Authority Industry
CE Clean Earth Industry
CDA Common Data Access General
CGI Common Gateway Interface General
CMID Common Marine Inspection Document Industry
CRS Common Reporting Standard General
CAA Competent Authority Agreement General
CWG Competitiveness Work Group Industry
COIN Completions Intervention Network General
CBI Confederation of British Industry General
CAR Construction All Risks Insurance General
C2 Contact Centres Industry
CEM Contract Energy Management Industry
COSHH Control Of Substances Harardous to Health Industry
CRO Control Room Operator Industry
C3 Co-ordination & Control Centre Industry
CPIB Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau General
CRINE Cost Reduction Initiative for the New Era Industry
CBMPE Council of British Manufactureres of Petroleum Equipment Industry
CTC Counter Terrorist Checks General
CCP Critical Control Point Industry
CISLF Cross Industry Leadership Forum (UK) Industry
CV Curriculum Vitae General
CSA Cyber Security Agency General
DEA Danish Energy Agency
DNOC Danish North Sea Operations Committee
DSOA Danish Ship Owners’ Association’
DEAL Data Environment Associated with Lift
DSAR Data Subject Access Request
DMLC Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance
DRA Default Retirement Age
DfEE Department for Education and Employment
DTI Department of Trade & Industry
DPC Design, Procurement & Construction
DO Diesel Oil
DARPS Differential And Relative Positioning System
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DCS Distributed Control System
DB Distribution Board
DB Distribution Board
DP Distribution Panel
DSV Diving Support Vessel
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency (USA)
SSOM Dutch State Supervision of Mines
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation General
EEEGR East of England Energy Group Industry
E&I Electrical and Instrumentation General
E&I Electrical and Instrumentation Industry
EPOS Electronic Point of Sale General
EDP Emergency Distribution Panel Industry
ELSVB Emergency Low Voltage Switchboard Industry
ERRVA Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel Association Industry
ERC Emergency Response Centre Industry
ESD Emergency Shut Down Industry
EPC Employment Practices Committee Industry
EULA End User Licensing Agreement Industry
DGXVII Energy Directorate of the European Commission Industry
EIC Energy Industries Council Industry
EPA Energy Policy & Analysis unit of the DTI Industry
EPFI Engineer Procure Fabricate and Install Industry
EMTA Engineering & Marine Training Authority Industry
EMTA Engineering and Marine Training Organisation Industry
ECITB Engineering Construction Industry Training Board Industry
EEMUA Engineering, Equipment & Materials Users’ Association’ Industry
EPC Engineering, Procurement  & Construction Industry
EPCC Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Commissioning Industry
EPCM Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Management Industry
EPIC Engineering, Procurement, Installation & Commissioning Industry
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Industry
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment General
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment Industry
EMS Environmental Management System Industry
E&OE Errors and Omissions Excepted General
ECI Estimated Chargeable Income General
ECSA European Community Ship Owners’ Association’ Industry
EU European Union Industry
E&A Exploration and Appraisal Industry
E&P Exploration and Production Industry
ECA Export Credit Agency General
ECGD Export Credits Guarantee Department General
XML eXtensible Markup Language General
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analyses Industry
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analyses
FRC Fast Rescue Craft
FS Feed Study
FSAScot Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FIs Financial Institutions
FSA Financial Security Arrangement
FEM Finite Element Method
FEM Finite Element Method
F&G Fire and Gas
FIFI Fire Fighting
FPAL First Point Assessment Limited
FOC Flag of Convenience
FLOTEL Floating Hotel
FPF Floating Production Facility
FPS Floating Production System
FPSO Floating Production, Storage & Offloading Vessel
FSO Floating Storage & Offloading Vessel
FSU Floating Storage Unit
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
FED Foreign Earnings Deduction
FOSS Forum of Small States
FOI Freedom of Information
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FS Functional Safety
FOET Further Offshore Emergency Training
FOSET Further Offshore Safety & Emergency Training
G Gas
G/C Gas Condensate
GA General Alarm
GA General Arrangement
3G Global Governance Group
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GPS Global Petroleum Show & Conference
GMPs Good Management Practices
GIF Graphic Interchange Format
GUI Graphical User Interface
GOPS Gross Overload Protection System
GoM Gulf of Mexico
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
HSE Health & Safety Executive
HS&E Health Safety & Environment
HSE Health, Safety, Environment
HSES Health, Safety, Environment and Security
HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
HLO Helicopter Landing Officer
HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
HMG Her Majesty’ Government’
HMSO Her Majesty’ Satationery Office’
HMT Her Majesty’ Theatre (Aberdeen)’
HMT Her Majesty’ Treasury’
HF High Frequency
HILF HSE Industry Liaison Forum
HILF HSE Industry Liaison Forum
HR Human Resources
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
IMHO In My Humble Opinion General
IPP Independent Power Project Industry
ILT Industry Leadership Team ~ part of PILOT Industry
IMDA Info-communications Media Development Authority General
ICT Information and Communications Technology General
IEP Infrastructure and Energy Projects Directorate of BTI Industry Forum Industry
IPO Initial Public Offering General
IR Inland Revenue General
IRAS Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore General
ITF Innovation and Technology Forum General
ITG Innovation and Technology workGroup Industry
IEMA Institute of Environmental Management Industry
IP Institute of Petroleum Industry
IE Instrument Earth General
IER Instrument Equipment Room Industry
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network General
IP Intellectual Property General
IUOOC Inter Union Offshore Oil Committee Industry
IMS Interim Management Statement General
TF2 Interim title for the successor group to the OGITF Industry
IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors Industry
IAGC International Association of Geophysical Contractors Industry
OGP International Association of Oil & Gas Producers Industry
IBAN International Bank Account Number General
ICONS International Commission on Shipping Industry
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Industry
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea Industry
STCW International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers Industry
CPI International’ Corruption Perceptions Index’ General
IEA International Energy Agency Industry
ILC International Labour Conference Industry
ILO International Labour Organization Industry
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association Industry
IMO International Maritime Organization Industry
IPLOCA International Pipe Lines Offshore Contractors Association Industry
ISM Code International Safety Management Code Industry
ISPS International Ship and Port Security Industry
ISSA International Ship Suppliers Association Industry
ISO International Standards Organisation Industry
ITF International Transport workers Federation Industry
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol General
ISP Internet Service Provider General
UOOC Inter-Union Offshore Oil Committee Industry
ITB Invitation to Bid Industry
ITT Invitation to Tender Industry
IS Irish Sea Industry
ISOCON Irish Sea Offshore Contractors Association Industry
JIP Joint Industry Programme
JIP Joint Industry Project
JOA Joint Operating Agreement
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JV Joint Venture
JVs Joint Ventures
KPI Key Performance Indicators
KTP Knowledge Transfer Partnership
LMI Labour Market Information
LOGIC Leading Oil and Gas Industry Competitiveness
LAWS Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
LIFT Licence Initiative for Trading
LIFT License Information for Trading
LOLER Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gasses
LD Liquidated Damages
LQ Living Quarters
LAN Local Area Network
LDPE Low Density Polyethene Plant
LSA Low Specific Activity
MCP Malaria Control Plan Industry
MOC Management of Change Industry
MS Management System Industry
MAIB Marine Accident Investigaton Branch Industry
MCA Maritime & Coastguard Agency Industry
MCR Maritime Control Room Industry
MLC, 2006 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Industry
MRT Mass Rapid Transit General
MSA Master Service Agreement Industry
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet Industry
MSC Medic Safety Coordinator Industry
MOU Memorandum of Understanding Industry
MEOS Middle East Oil & Gas Show Industry
MBOE Million Barrels Oil Equivalent Industry
Mt Million tonnes Industry
MBOEPD Millions of Barrels of Oil Equivalent Per Day Industry
mmcfd Millions of cubic feet of gas per day Industry
MUFA Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids General
MAPS Movement and Personel tracking System Industry
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions General
MUSE Multi-User Simulated Environment General
NET National Electrotechnical Training organisation
NTO National Training Organisation
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
NERC Natural Environment Research Council
NGLs Natural Gas Liquids
NC2 Network & Claims Centre
NIC Network Information Centre
NNTP Network News Transport Protocol
NATO No Action, Talk Only
NINJA No Income, No Job, No Assets
NGOs Non Givernmental Organisations
NUI Normally Unmanned Installation
NORSOK Norsk Sokkels Konkurranseposisjon
NSOAF North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum
NMD Norwegian Maritime Directorsate
NRO Norwegian Oil Operators’ Association’
OLF Norwegian Oil Operators’ Association’
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NRB Not Required Back
NOA Notice of Assessment
OH Occupational Health
OGSP Official Government Selling Price
OCA Offshore Contractors’ Association’
ODE Offshore Deseign Engineering
OIAC Offshore Industry Advisory Committee
OILC Offshore Industry Liaison Committee
OIM Offshore Installation Manager
ONS Offshore Northen Seas
OPITO Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organisation
OSEA Offshore South East Asia
OTC Offshore Technology Conference
OWIC Offshore Wind Industry Council
O Oil
OG Oil & Gas Directorate of the DTI
OGITF Oil & Gas Industry Task Force
O&G Oil and Gas
OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods
OIAC Oil Industry Accounting Committee
OIAC Oil Industry Advisory Committee
OLF Oljeindustriens Landsforening (Norwegian Oil Industry Association)
bbl One Barrel of Oil
OPEX OPerating EXpenditure
O & M Operations & Maintenance
OSPAR Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic
OMIS Overseas Market Introduction Service
PLQ Permanent Living Quarters Industry
PTW Permit To Work Industry
PIC Person In Charge Industry
PLB Personal Locator Beacon Industry
PPE Personal Protective Equipment Industry
POB Personnel On Board Industry
PDVSA  Petroleos de Venezuela Industry
PESGB Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Industry
PRT Petroleum Revenue Tax Industry
P&A Plug and Abandon General
POP Point of Presence also Post Office Protocol General
PPP Point to Point Protocol General
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride General
PUFA PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids General
PNG Portable Network Graphics General
PPM Pre-Production Meeting Industry
PSV Pressure Safety Valve Industry
PSSR Pressure Systems Safety Regulations Industry
PDQ Pretty Dash- Quick’ General
PFEER Prevention of Fire, Explosion and Emergency Response regulations Industry
PSA Production Sharing Agreement Industry
PIPE Productivity Improvement in Partnership with Employers Industry
PMC Project Management Contract Industry
PUWER Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations Industry
PA Public Address Industry
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network General
PO Purchase Order Industry
QRA Quantified Risk Assessment
RPA Radiation Protection Advisor
RO Radio Operator
RMT Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers’ Trade Union
REMF Real Estate Mutual Fund
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
R & M Repair & Maintenance
RIDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
RFC Request For Comments
RFI Request For Information
RFP Request for Proposal
R&D Research & Development
ROW Rest of the World
RevPAR Revenue Per Available Room
RSS Rich Site Summary
RGIT Robert Gordon Institute of Technology
RGU Robert Gordon University
SALSA Safe and Local Supplier Approval
SCIG Safety Case Improvements Group
SFA Saturated Fatty Acids
SATRO Science and Technology Regional Organisation
SCDI Scottish Council for Development and Industry
SVQ Scottish Vocational Qualification
SAR Search and Rescue
SRC Search and Rescue Craft
SDV Seawater Desalination Vessel
SSL Secure Socket Layer
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SICC Singapore International Commercial Court
SIMC Singapore International Mediation Centre
SMEs Small and Medium sized Enterprises
SMEs Small to Medium Sized Enterprises
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
SOSR Some Other Substantial Reason
SNS Southern North Sea
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
STCW Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping
SBV Standby Vessel
SPN Stretch Performance Network
SQL Structured Query Language
SIM Subscriber Identity Module Card
SURF Subsea, Umbilical, Riser and Flowline
ITG2 Successor to ITG
Supplier Supplier of goods, and contractors or subcontractors delivering services
SCM Supply Chain Management
SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service
SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
SYSOP System Operator
TRA Task Risk Assessment Industry
TRA Tax Risk Assessment Industry
TAC Technology Advosory Committee Industry
TMT Technology, Media and Telecommunications General
TER Telecom Equipment Room Industry
TT Telegraphic Transfer General
TLQ Temporary Living Quarters Industry
TR Temporary Refuge Industry
AMAC The Association of Mature American Citizens General
NOGEPA The Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association Industry
OECD The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development General
PPWG The Progressive Partnering Work Group Industry
TOWS Thermal Over the Side Working Suit Industry
3D Three-dimensional space General
TQM Total Quality Management Industry
TROIF Total Recordable Offshore Illness Frequency Industry
TULRA Trade Union Labour Relations Act General
TUPE Transfer of Undertakings & Protection of Employment Regulations Industry
T & D Transmission & Distribution Industry
TCP Transmission Control Protocol General
TGWU Transport & General Workers Union Industry
tcf Trillion cubic feet of gas Industry
T3 Trinity International Services Ltd. Industry
TAT Turnaround Activity Time Industry
UPS Unified Planning System
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URLs Uniform Resource Locators
URN Uniform Resource Name
URN Unique Reference Number
USP Unique Selling Proposition
UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf
UKOOA United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association
UDP User Datagram Protocol
VCI Value Contracting Initiative
NOVA Venture capital fund for oil and gas industry development
VAIO Video Audio Integrated Operation
VPN Virtual Private Network
WSCA Well Services Contractors’ Association’
WoB West of Britain
WoS West of Shetland
WAIS Wide Area Information Servers
WAN Wide Area Network
WTD Working Time Directive
WHO World Health Organisation
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
WWW World Wide Web

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Trinity International Services Limited
7 Bon Accord Square
Aberdeen, AB11 6DJ

Tel: +44 (0)1224 211755


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